Thursday, September 27, 2007

too many people wanted to get on the bus today. i don't think it would have made too much of a difference if they had not, because either way we all ended up being late. they crammed up against each other, strangers' bodies all folding in to one another. i was seated, wearing a skirt. a girl in front of me was standing, wearing a skirt. for a moment, our bare legs touched, and i hated it.


Devin is Magical said...


classic Sheena

Anonymous said...

I think it's very nice to be in a crowded bus. you can forget about yourself and just be a part of a sweaty, smelly human mass. its a great time.

IndemnityPop said...

A crowded train after it rains, and everyone is evaporating is also quite nice. Like a terrarium.

sheensie said...

i am on a crowded bus on a daily basis, and i'm not going to lie, i really don't enjoy it. my problem with this specific instance, i think, is that our bare, lotioned legs rubbed up against each other. it was over quickly, but that moment was slightly jarring - i was pulled back into reality from my daydreaming, and it was just such an odd place for two bodies in a crowd to touch on accident.